This blog do not support Hacktivism and we did not promotes or encourages unethical or black hat hacking, but it is a site about cyber crime and to awoke the people about their cyber and computer security.Many people did not know about hacking and security as security is must needed while using internet so our main aim is to prevent hacking.An for that everyone should know ethical hacking, to defence from malicious attacks.

Everyone Using this site has to accept below mentioned TERMS AND CONDITIONS:-

  • This Blog is totally for educational purposes and did not encourage unethical hacking,but aim is to prevent from hacking and know about security.
  • Terms like 'Hack' and 'hacking' in this blog is considered as  'Ethical hack'  'Ethical hacking'
  • This Blog's Owner is not responsible for any damage cause by the hacks by individual after reading our educational posts explained in site.
  • We contain some sensitive information in our site. Any activity or misuse of information from our site can lead to criminal charges on the individual or can also break the laws, author,admin or site is not responsible for any event of criminal charges by any individual .Before using our information refer to your country/state/province  cyber laws. All the contents of THIS BLOG is for educational or research purposes only. Do not try to violate the laws with the information kept here for educational purposes ,if done then no one from our side like admin,author or anyone else affiliated in any way, is going to accept responsibility for your actions.
  • We do not support Black Hat Hacking  and hacktivism 
  • After entering in our BLOG you automatically accept this terms and condition and use information at your own risk,we are not responsible for any cyber crime.

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